Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cataclysm Level 32 Retribution Paladin

And here is the pawn scale for my level 32 retribution paladin I'm currently using.

By all means, these are not elitist jerks numbers.. just an "oh hey, this item is better than what I'm wearing.. let's adjust the pawn value on the stat that is making it better!"

Works for the low-levels though. :)

( Pawn: v1: "Simple DPS": IsStaff=-1000000, Agility=0.15, ExpertiseRating=1, MasteryRating=1, IsCrossbow=-1000000, IsThrown=-1000000, MeleeDps=1, Dps=0.071428571428571, Strength=2, IsSword=-1000000, OneHandDps=-1000000, IsAxe=-1000000, IsFrill=-1000000, Ap=1, IsWand=-1000000, IsFist=-1000000, IsOffHand=-1000000, IsMace=-1000000, CritRating=1.97, OffHandSpeed=-1000000, HasteRating=1, IsDagger=-1000000, Armor=0.001, MetaSocketEffect=1, IsGun=-1000000, IsMail=0.5, MainHandDps=-1000000, IsCloth=0.125, IsPlate=1, IsLeather=0.25, HitRating=1.566, Stamina=0.01, TwoHandDps=1, IsShield=-1000000, IsBow=-1000000 )

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